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How to get help for women and child safety issues?

Join hands in tackling the menace of Street Sexual Harassment

Street Sexual Harassment

How TSWSW can help with cases of Street Sexual Harassment?

SHE Teams deal with the cases of Street Sexual Harassment. If you face or come across any case of Street Sexual Harassment you can reach out to SHE Teams for help. SHE Teams are available in different cities and towns across the state of Telangana to ensure the safety & security of women.

How to report?

Dial 100 or 1098, Whatsapp to +918712656856 or reach out to Nearby Police Stations

Acts & Laws for Street Sexual Harassment

Stalking (Sec - 78 of BNS), Assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty (Sec - 74 of BNS), Sexual harassment (Sec - 75 of BNS), Word, gesture or act intended to insult modesty of a woman (Sec - 79 of BNS).

Click here to visit Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita for more information.

Acts & Laws for Street Sexual Harassment

Under Section 298 A and Section 298 B of the Indian Penal Code, a man who is found guilty of making a female the target of obscene gestures, remarks, songs or recitation, can be imprisoned for a period of three months. Under Section 292, if a man shows pornographic or obscene pictures, books or slips to a female, he will be fined a sum of ₹2000 with two years of rigorous imprisonment, if the offence has been committed for the first time. In the event of a repeated offence, the guilty will be fined with ₹5000 and has to spend five years in prison. Section 354 imposes a two-year imprisonment with a fine when a person is found guilty of assault or using criminal force on a woman with intent to outrage her modesty. Section 509 punishes the “intent to insult the modesty of any woman by use of words, sounds, gestures, or the exhibition of any object in such a way as to intrude upon the privacy of a woman” with a fine and one year in prison. Click here to know more.


  • What is Eve teasing?
  • Where can I file a complaint?

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Join hands in tackling the menace of Harassment in public places

Harassment in public places

How TSWSW can help with cases of Harassment of women in public places?

SHE Teams specialize in dealing with cases of harassment against women/children in public places which includes unwanted comments, gestures or acts directed at them in a public space without their consent. Our endeavour is to make every women and children feel comfortable and safe in public places without the fear of being harassed. If you encounter any case of eve teasing, stalking or harassment you can contact the SHE Teams for help.

How to report?

Dial 100 or 1098 or Whatsapp to +918712656856 or reach out to Nearby Police Stations

Acts & Laws for Harassment in Public Places

The Indian Penal Code, 1860, The Indian Evidence Act, 1872 and The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 along with The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986 provide protection to Women against Harassment in Public Places. Click here to know more.


  • What is considered as harassment?
  • How can I file a complaint?

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Join hands in tackling the menace of Sexual Assault

Sexually Assaulted

How TSWSW can help with cases of Sexual Assault?

Bharosa Centres have expertise in dealing with the cases of sexual offence against women like rape, indecent assault, inappropriate touching etc. Bharosa Centers understand that sexual assault can be distressing and traumatizing. Bharosa Centers organize extra support including medical care & counselling for victims and strongly encourage victims & witnesses to report sexual assault.

How to report?

Dial 100 or 1098, Call 7382626437 or reach out to Nearby Police Stations

Acts & Laws for Sexual Assault

The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act- 2013 that came after a public outcry over the Nirbhaya rape case in New Delhi, made sexual harassment an offence under section 354 A which is punishable with three years imprisonment or fine or both depending on the case. Click here to know more.


  • What happens once I report?
  • Will my identity be disclosed?

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Join hands in tackling the menace of Workplace Sexual Harassment

Workplace Sexual Harassment

How TSWSW can help with cases of Workplace Sexual Harassment?

SAHAS is Telangana Police's initiative dedicated to empowering women and creating a safe environment for all. In a first of its kind State Police-Industry Body collaborative initiative to strengthen the ecosystem of support for women employees in workplaces across the State.

How to report?

Visit SAHAS for more details.

Acts & Laws for Workplace Sexual Harassment

Women in Telangana have the right to a safe & secure work environment, free from any form of discrimination or harassment. The rights with respect to Safe Workplaces are covered under various legislations. These include: The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION & REDRESSAL) Act, 2013. Protection from Discrimination – Telangana Shops & Establishments Act, 1988. Protection from Violence – Indian Penal Code & the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005. Maternity Benefits – The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. Equal Pay – Telangana State Equal Remuneration Act, 1976.


  • What is Eve teasing?
  • Where can I file a complaint?

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Join hands in tackling the menace of Cyber / Phone Harassment

Cyber / Phone Harassment

How TSWSW can help with cases of Cyber crimes?

The Women Safety Wing Cyber Cell deals exclusively with cases of cyber and phone crime. The Cyber Cell has experts with diverse cyber security skills and qualifications who provide support through ethical hacking, forensic software tool to locate crimes in cyberspace. If you encounter any form of cyber or phone crimes such as cyber stalking, online harassment, identity theft, phishing etc. then you can contact us for help.

How to report?

Dial 100 or 1098 or reach out to Nearby Police Stations

Acts & Laws for Cyber Crimes

Cyber laws are contained in the Information Technology Act, 2000 (“IT Act”) which came into force on October 17, 2000. Section 66E of the IT Act deals with the violation of the privacy of a person. Capturing, publishing or transmitting the image of a private area of any person without consent, under circumstances violating her privacy, is punishable with imprisonment, which may extend to three years, and/or fine. The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986 also protects women from Cyber crimes. Click here to know more.


  • What information/documents is needed for lodging a cyber complaint?
  • What safety measures should be taken online to prevent cyber crime?
  • What are the categories of Cyber crime?

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Join hands in tackling the menace of Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

How TSWSW can help with cases of Domestic Violence?

The DV Module works towards the safety and upholding of integrity of women in Telangana State. DV Module specialises in handling the cases pertaining to domestic violence. The abuse is not necessarily physical, it also extends to verbal, emotional, sexual and economic spheres leaving the women shattered and unable to stand up for her rights. If you are facing domestic abuse, harassment for dowry, exploitation, any sort of gender biases DV Module is there to help.

How to report?

Dial 100 or 1098 or call 9440700874 or reach out to Nearby Police Stations

Acts & Laws for Domestic Violence

Husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty (Sec - 86 of BNS); Cruelty definition (Sec - 87 of IPC). Click here to know more.

Click here to visit Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita for more information.

Acts & Laws for Domestic Violence

Many laws were enacted to curb domestic violence beginning with Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 which made the act of giving and receiving dowry a crime. To further strengthen this law two new sections section 498 A and section 304 B were introduced into the Indian Penal Code (IPC) in 1983 and 1986. The most recent law is the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (PWDVA) 2005, a civil Law which broadened the definition of domestic violence to include physical, emotional, sexual, verbal and economic violence as we know it today. Other Acts include The Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956, The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929, etc. Click here to know more.


  • Will my complaints be kept anonymous?
  • Do abusers show any potential warning signs?
  • What can the DV Module do to help?

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Join hands in tackling the menace of NRI Domestic Violence / Harassment

NRI Domestic Violence / Harassment

How TSWSW can help with cases of NRI Domestic Violence / Harassment?

NRI Cell for women has been constituted as the coordinating agency in Telangana state for dealing with issues related to Domestic violence and harassment in foreign countries. Women Safety Wing understands the plight of Indian women deserted by NRI husbands and our endeavour is to provide them with full support while also delivering justice.

How to report?

Dial 100 or 1098 or call 9440700911 or reach out to Nearby Police Stations

Acts & Laws for NRI Domestic Violence / Harassment

Husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty (Sec - 86 of BNS).

Click here to visit Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita for more information.

Acts & Laws for NRI Domestic Violence / Harassment

Section 498A deals with Husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty and is punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine. Click here to know more.


  • Can I file a complaint against my NRI husband in India?
  • How to verify NRI groom?
  • Whom to contact when in distress?

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Join hands in tackling the menace of Marriage Fraud

Marriage Fraud

How TSWSW can help with cases of Marriage Fraud?

NRI Cell deals with cases of marriage fraud. The onus of verifying the groom's details rests with the bride and her family through their resources and network. It is important to do the necessary due diligence and background verification before proceeding with marriage. Regardless of this the NRI Cell comes into action when any such cases of marriage fraud are reported.

How to report?

Dial 100 or 1098 or call 94407 00911 or reach out to Nearby Police Stations

Acts & Laws for Marriage Fraud

The proposed Registration of Marriage of Non-Resident Indian Bill, 2019, has been designed to act as a legal weapon for Indian women who were married to NRI husbands, but were subsequently deserted. Click here to know more.


  • Is there any method through which one can check the background of the groom?
  • Is registration of marriage compulsory to report marriage fraud?
  • What is the procedure to apply for assistance under the module?

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Join hands in tackling the menace of Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking

How TSWSW can help with cases of Human Trafficking?

The Anti-Human Trafficking Unit specializes in handling cases of human trafficking. If you encounter a case of human trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation both online and offline, child labour, forced or bonded labour, illegal organ removal, organized begging or selling children for adoption, AHTU would intervene.

How to report?

Dial 100 or Dial 1098 or AHTU of the District or reach out to Nearby Police Stations or Dhruv Portal

Acts & Laws for Human Trafficking

Trafficking in Human Beings or Persons is prohibited under the Constitution of India under Article 23 (1) The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956. It is the premier legislation for prevention of trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation. Other sections include: Procuration of a child (Sec - 96 of BNS), Importation of girl or boy from a foreign country (Sec -141 of BNS), Selling a child for purposes of prostitution, etc (Sec - 98 of BNS), Buying a child for purposes of prostitution, etc (Sec - 99 of BNS), Trafficking of person (Sec - 143 of BNS), Exploitation of trafficked person (Sec - 144 of BNS), Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986. Click here to know more.

Click here to visit Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita for more information.


  • Will my identity be protected?
  • Will TSWSW help me with rehabilitation?
  • Will my identity be protected

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Join hands in tackling the menace of Child Abuse

Child Abuse

How TSWSW can help with cases of Child Abuse?

The Telangana State Women Safety Wing has multiple units specialised in dealing with the cases of child abuse. When anyone under the age of 18 is either being harmed or not properly looked after, the crime is considered as Child Abuse. The categories of child abuse include physical, emotional, sexual abuse and child neglect. If you suspect a child is suffering from abuse, you can reach out to Women Safety Wing for action, counselling, redressal and rehabilitation.

How to report?

Dial 100 or 1098 or call 7382626437 or reach out to Nearby Police Stations

Acts & Laws for Child Abuse

POCSO or the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO Act) 2012 was enacted to protect children against offences like sexual abuse, sexual harassment and pornography while safe guarding their interests at every stage of the judicial process. This is done through incorporating child friendly mechanisms for reporting, recording of evidence, investigation and speedy trial of offences through designated courts. Section 19 of the Act casts a duty on the police officer to promptly record a complaint made under the Act. Click here to know more.


  • What is the advice for parents,guardians & professionals?
  • Is there any Child Abuse support organisation?

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Join hands with Missing Persons Monitoring Cell, WSW to report a missing person

If I have to report a missing person

How TSWSW can help with cases of Missing Persons?

The AHTU teams of Telangana State Police are specially trained and equipped to deal with cases of missing children. The AHTU teams conduct operations to trace missing person/child. If you find a missing person you can report to us about their whereabouts. If you have any information or want to report a missing person case you can reach out to us for help.

How to report?

Dial 100 or 1098, Reach out to nearest AHTU or reach out to Nearby Police Stations or Report on Dhruv App

Acts & Laws for Missing Person Crimes

Click here to know more.


  • What shall I do if I find a person who is missing?
  • Whom should I report to?

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Join hands in tackling the menace of Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking

How TSWSW can help with cases of Human Trafficking?

The Anti-Human Trafficking Unit is specialized in handling cases of human trafficking. If you encounter a case of human trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation, child labour, forced or bonded labour, illegal organ removal, organized begging or selling children for adoption, AHTU would intervene.

How to report?

Dial 100 or Dial 1098


  • Will my identity be protected?
  • Will TSWSW help me with rehabilitation?
  • Will my identity be protected

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