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POSH compliance at our organization


As an HR professional, I bear the responsibility of ensuring compliance with the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act in our organization. I want to go beyond just the legal requirements and create a safe and inclusive workplace environment. Can you share insights and practical measures that we should implement to address workplace harassment effectively? Additionally, how can we proactively prevent such instances from occurring in the first place?


It is necessary to develop a comprehensive anti-harassment policy that defines harassment,
outlines reporting procedures, and communicates the consequences for violations. Make certain
that the policy is widely distributed and easily accessible to all employees. Additionally, make
harassment prevention, awareness, and bystander intervention training mandatory for all
employees. These sessions should educate employees on their rights and responsibilities, as well
as the various types of harassment.

Implementing a confidential and easily accessible reporting system that encourages
employees to report incidents of harassment without fear of retaliation is critical. Provide
multiple channels of communication, such as HR representatives, supervisors, and designated
committees. Most importantly, when complaints are established, take appropriate disciplinary
action against the harasser.

To avoid such incidents in the future, conduct regular harassment prevention, awareness, and
bystander intervention training sessions. Educate employees on their rights and responsibilities,
as well as the various types of harassment and how to create a respectful and inclusive work
environment. Include training for managers and supervisors on their responsibilities for
preventing and responding to harassment. Employees should be given the authority to intervene
if they witness harassment. Encourage them to assist the affected individual, document incidents
as needed, and report them to the appropriate channels. Create an environment in which
bystanders are encouraged to speak up and take action.

Although the POSH Act is specifically to protect women, your policy may be gender neutral
to protect all employees from sexual harassment. Encourage employees not be doubt ” the story”
when a colleague shares a sexual harassment expereince. Never act on bias. You may have a very
high opinion of a particular employee but if an employees reports a case of sexual harassment
against him, approach it unbiased. Many incidents of sexual harassment at work also occur
unintentionally when people overstep boundaries so regularly sensitising employees on
workplace ethics, respecting boundaries will help to prevent irresponsible acts leading to sexual

– Mahalakshmi Rajagopal

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