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Guidance on creative an anti-harassment policy for our organization


I am responsible for creating an effective anti-harassment policy for our organization. Can you provide guidance on the key elements that should be included in the policy, and how we can ensure compliance with the legal requirements? Our goal is to maintain a safe and inclusive work environment for all employees.


To design an effective Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy, it is important to follow a structured
approach. Firstly, clearly define the objective of the policy and specify the individuals to whom it
applies within the company. Secondly, provide a comprehensive definition of what constitutes
sexual harassment, illustrating each type with relevant examples. Additionally, outline the
preventive measures the company will undertake to create a safe working environment. Next,
provide detailed information about the Anti-Sexual Harassment Internal Committee or Cell that
will handle such cases within the organization. Clearly outline the procedures for addressing
complaints of sexual harassment, including both informal and formal channels. Explain the
process of conducting inquiries in a thorough manner. Consider including information about
addressing third-party harassment if applicable. Emphasize the importance of complying with
statutory regulations and management obligations. Lastly, include guidance on filing annual
reports to ensure transparency and accountability. By following these steps, the company can
design a comprehensive and meaningful Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy.

– Lalitha Akundi

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